The dipole antenna is the mainstay of amateur radio. It is simple and easy to understand, yet absolutely full of nuances to be aware of.
For the July meeting of the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club (see: our own vice-president, Wes Cardone (N8QM) is giving a presentation on an actual build of a dipole antenna.
Wes was asked to give a very basic presentation on a dipole build project and consequently focused more on the practical aspect of the dipole antenna. That is, what is the practical side of building a dipole antenna. Certainly, there are many ways and directions to go with this but Wes picked one avenue that may prove of interest to the Chelsea Amateurs. The PDF handout for that presentation is attached below. The handout has far more detail than Wes intends to present to the Chelsea club but these details will serve well for those particularly interested in dipoles.