At the Jackson County Fair of 2021 at about 5 PM, the Cascades Amateur Radio Society had a booth and was displaying amateur excellence to the public at large.
In the first photo you can see both Dave (W3IGT) and Bill (KD8AAD) in the near field actively working the special event station that the club had obtained for use at the fair. You can see Bill logging each contact that was made while Dave was working the transmitter making contacts.
In the far field in that same photo, you can see Jim (KE8NFL) carrying on a net on the W8IRA repeater system which covers the greater half of Michigan. When the net was complete he had 33 check-ins from various locations throughout the state. Since Jim is just barely visible in the first photo, please look at the second photo where you can see Jim straining to hear his contacts over the background noise from the fair.