New Members:
Thanks for your interest in joining CARS! We are always excited to welcome new members.
The process is simple! Download the membership application from the link below, fill it out and send it in with payment for dues. If you have questions, contact at club officer
CARS, Inc. P.O. Box 512, Jackson, MI 49204-0512
NEW – Membership Application – Fill it out on line
Please note: Currently the submit button on the membership form does not work. You can download the form to your PC, fill it out there and then submit it using your email client. We are currently working on the problem.
Membership Levels:
Full Member:
Must have a valid ham license and dues of $20 must be up to date (full voting rights)
Associate Member:
Not licensed but has genuine interest in ham radio and has paid dues of $18 (voting privileges of a committee member)
Family Member:
Immediate Family Member, dues are an additional $2 (full voting rights if licensed)
Notes on dues:
Dues are payable June 1st. The Dues Year runs June through the following May.
Some members have ask us to share membership roster information. If there is anything on your CARS Application you do NOT want shared with other CARS members, contact a club officer.